Gallon Liters Conversions. Learn how to calculate the hydronium ion for a given pH. Ph Log H Assuming 100 Percent Dissociation If Given Percent Ionization Multiply By The Molarity Chemistry Lessons Teaching Chemistry Chemistry Education We assume that after adding KOH volume of solute is not changed much. . PSBank Personal Management Trust. Find expected pH for a given concentration simply by entering the molarity or enter weight and total volume. PH-log02M Enter and look on the graphing calculator for the answer. The pH calculator tool provides expected pH values for a variety of common laboratory and industrial chemicals. These buffers have excellent buffering capacity and are highly soluble in water. Use Excel to Calculate MAD. Calculate pH when concentration of KOH in mol dm-3 is known. Given the molarity and the pH of a solution containing a weak acid calculate the percentage of the acid that is ioniz...